Sunday, March 15, 2009

On Transparent Hacker Girls

I don't have time to post anything of actual substance, so allow me to gush about my laptop's new look.

Seriously, how fucking cool is that? Augh...

Transparent black Bento, violet text, over transparent black Aero, with a customized wallpaper featuring a violet gradient Ed on black.


<3 Radical Edward.

Also Serenade is pretty God damn awesome.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

On Goblins

I find myself wanting to just sit down and talk about everything I possibly can, as there are so many things to say on so many topics. However, I also find myself wanting to get "work" done on my various papercraft projects.

In short, apologies to you, O reader, who has yet to discover this secret shame, as I cannot supply you with my ridiculous opinions at present.

I'll try to post some more when I need a break from this crap.

In the meantime, you should be participating in this project. Testbuilds, texture contests,
there's something for everyone!

More later...