This page is dedicated to questions to which I know the answers, but I believe are so obscure that no one else can answer them correctly. It's an exercise in personal amusement, because I'm quite sure no one can provide the esoteric solutions to these problems.
If you can answer them correctly, however, I'm obliged to award some kind of prize (maybe a release of your choosing? I don't know, we'll work it out if and when someone gets a question right). Beyond that, I'll probably bug you to talk to me about all the ridiculous ways in which our tastes coincide. There's no reason to sugarcoat this: I'm looking for friends as eccentric (scratch that, crazy) as I am.
I'll attempt to update this page continuously with new questions, so check back often and try as many times as you like to speculate on these mysteries.
EDIT: You must supply a name with your answers. No prizes for Anonymous.
Question One:

What is strange, interesting, or worthy-of-note in the beginning of the first track of the Disgaea 2 Arranged soundtrack?
Edit: Hint #1
You're going to need a pretty good grasp of modern Jazz to answer this question, particularly that of the Latin Jazz movement in the 1970s. I've left clues elsewhere. I admit they aren't the most obvious, but if you're looking, you'll spot them.
Edit: Hint #2
The first four seconds is really all you need to hear.
Question Two: Answered
In my mind, this one is a lot easier. Any self-respecting nerd, well versed in our vibrant subculture should have a decent shot at answering this one. The prize for this won't be as big as if you can answer Question One, but all the same. Prizes abound.

What do these nine images have in common? And you're going to need to be very specific.
Correct Answer: All characters are voiced by John DiMaggio (fourth image). Winner: Kratos
Question Two: Answered
In my mind, this one is a lot easier. Any self-respecting nerd, well versed in our vibrant subculture should have a decent shot at answering this one. The prize for this won't be as big as if you can answer Question One, but all the same. Prizes abound.

What do these nine images have in common? And you're going to need to be very specific.
Correct Answer: All characters are voiced by John DiMaggio (fourth image). Winner: Kratos
Question Three:
This one is definitely more obscure than identifying the representatives of John DiMaggio, but not quite as bad as figuring out the answer to Question One. It's worth a real prize though, I'd say anything short of Vrtra or the Celsius (though the Celsius is obviously on the project list).
...actually, having thought about it for a few minutes, answering this in full detail is just as difficult as answering Question One. Good luck >_>
I have a Pandora Radio station entitled "Peanuts for Goethe." Please explain the name as completely as possible (there are quite a few details that go into this, also you're going to want to have a listen to the station).
Be careful though, the peanuts may make Goethe a little dizzy.
(Sorry about the picture, anything more relevant would've given part of it away.)
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