Friday, February 20, 2009

On Introductions

This blog is, as the name implies, an exercise in digital narcissism. I could lie (to you and to myself) and claim I'm doing this because I'd like to keep up some regular schedule of writing, so as to advance my skills in that field, but let's not bullshit ourselves here. I'm doing this because I'm deluded enough to think someone out there actually wants to read what I have to say, and I'm a big enough asshole to give said imaginary character exactly what he or she wants.

As I write this, I've been...doing? Hosting? Managing? Whateverthefucking Kaizo Papercraft for about nine months (hey that's long enough to gestate some kind of horrible papercraft abomination baby), and I often find myself posting things, wanting to say more than I do. Believe it or not, I actually make a concerted effort (only because I refer to myself as the royal We...get it? Because concerted means more than one person? Maybe a little joke about multiple personalities? No? Ah, well fuck you, buddy, you wouldn't know comedy if it slept with your mother and claimed to be your long lost daddy) to censor myself. As you may have already (read "just now") realized, I have the mouth of a filthy fucking sailor (i~rony~) when I'm not actively trying to keep it PC for the kiddies. But I don't just mean censor in the omgfoullanguage department, but also in keeping unrelated comments to a minimum (that rant about the Golden Compass was a rare lapse in judgement...what can I say, I was upset).

However! I feel as though it's my intarweb and I can blog about anything if I want to (I can't believe I just used blog as a verb). So here we'll engage in some self-indulgent clap-trap, and I'll bite and spit and curse and be my natural self (I wonder if that's at all surprising). If that's not your thing, please feel free to press the little X in the upper right of your screen and kindly fuck off. If you are willing to tag along, feel free to throw in your two cents at will. If you think I'm an asshole, by all means, scream at me. If you think I'm awesome, that's nice to hear too (I expect to hear much less of the latter). I fancy myself something of a hermit-nerd-gamer-weaboo-condescending-high-IQ-sarcastic-asshole cliche, so it wouldn't surprise me if my opinions are embodied in many other individuals. Individuals just like you! So let's get moving onto some content, shall we? We shall.

As for what I plan to actually discuss here...well that's up for grabs. I wanted to do this second blog to just babble, endlessly, about all my petty little shit. I do like to believe (perhaps somewhat misguidedly...perhaps very misguidedly) that I'm something of a writer, and this is going to be an outlet for anything I'd like to get feedback on, or just give to the world (is present, yes?). I'll likely post with much greater frequency here than on the papercraft blog (I know a lot of my fellow crafters started blogs around the time I did with the intent of giving development updates, but they all had external hosting and I do not, so the blog is my homebase for releases; need to keep it professionalish, yeah?). I'll probably actually do something like developmental updates (should be read as "bullshit pictures of half finished models") here, just to post something for the sake of posting something. If you did read my rant about the movie adaptation of the Golden Compass (and I was surprised to see that all the replies to that post were about the rant, not the model update), you'll know that I'm prone to freak-outs regarding subject material for which I care. As a result, you're gonna see plenty of that nonsense here.

If you're curious as to who the fuck I (think I) am, you should continue on with the primer to my working character bio. Enjoy. It's narcissistic to the ultra-super-max-extreme.

So, a few notes to end on:

Shoutmix only lets you have the one chat window, so we're going to be sharing it with the papercraft blog. Oh woes is us, what a horrible tragedy.

I signed up for last night (as of writing this) and I'm still playing around with it. Is it unfathomably self-indulgent to think you want to know what I'm listening to? Fuck yes it is. Doing it anyway. Feel free to ask me anything about any of the music you see. Some of the tunes don't have previews, which is a shame because, obviously, my taste in music is pre-approved as awesome by me (little modified Mitch Hedberg joke there, did you catch it?). I also upgraded to Vista a little while back, which scrapped any play history I had going in Winamp/iTunes, so my account shows some really narrow stuff concerning my library/listening history. Yes, there is a lot of weabooy stuff in my library, but it's less prominent than makes it look (library's actually around 90GB at the moment (mine iz biger than urs im not compensating lolz)). The problem is I tend to pick one song (or maybe a handful, maybe one little playlist) and listen to it on repeat for-e-vur (God damn Sandlot was an awesome movie). So if you see the same thing like fifteen times on my "recently listened to" list...yeah...that's...whatever that is.

I uploaded that Cloud WIP video to MegaVideo recently, and I wanted to keep running with the idea, make a little channel like on the Yoo-Toobs, but linking to my profile there shows me as having no videos. Alas, all videos will likely be embeded. Tragedy?...Not really, no.

I also thieved the "Bonus Questions" directly off of the papercraft blog. This actually seems like a more appropriate place to house them, so maybe I'll get rid of the dual-instance. Maybe not, whatever. I'd really like to see someone get it right.

So in conclusion, that's why I should be class president. No wait...What were we talking about?

(Welcome to my world)

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