Seriously...I think they've gone into hibernation...
EDIT: I got it!
Clothes -> Freezer = Auto-AC!
Oh man, this is gonna be so awesome...
EDIT 2: It was awesome for about 5 seconds, before they immediately returned to room temperature. Wonder if heavier material will hold its chill longer...

Google says it's supposed to get down to 54 tonight, and that the high for tomorrow is only 56. Somehow I doubt it'll get quite that cold, but whatever. Just hurry up already. (Surprised I wasn't exaggerating about the heat?)
In any case, finished my paper on ol' Vitty-shtein, which makes 3/3 philosophy papers due in three consecutive days. I've got a seat reserved for the Brubeck show tomorrow night. Life is good...or will at least be much gooder tomorrow
Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'm gonna go stuff some denim shorts in the freezer and turn the tub into a swimming pool again...
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